Tuesday, November 10, 2009

British Columbia Arts Council

Karitian Gallery Abbotsford
On November 9, 2009 I attended a forum at the Reach in Abbotsford by the BC Arts Council.

They invited people from Surrey to Mission. The Few that were in attendance were from Maple Ridge, Mission, Abbotsford, and I feel I have left Someone out. I must have read the e-mail wrong I thought it was an Abbotsford Arts Council meeting.

The meeting was to clarify BC Arts Council funding. It was confusing. The basic message is don't stop sending in your applications for funding, and write to your MLA's and let them know we do not want cuts to the arts. Unless we tell them they don't see the problem. With all the protests you would think they should know it is a problem.

The Arts Council's mandate is to support the arts and culture community by providing financial assistance, research, advocacy, and public, education.

It's mission is to engage all British Columbians in a healthy arts and cultural community that is recognized for excellence.

For more information check out the new website, make an application, educate yourself.

Artist and lovers of the Arts

January 2009 Art show at Karitin Gallery Abbotsford

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