Monday, April 4, 2011

The Art Social

Mattie after the party was over he flaked out from all the excitment,  and possable droppings of food.

Molly brought Daffodils
  Carrot ginger soup was on, chips were hovering in the bowl ready to be dipped into the hummus, punch was cold with pinapple cocanut Rooibos, cookies were sticky to the plate, art was hung. Folks started arriving.

We had art all over the house including the newly painted bathroom with a new low flush toilet

Art in the hall

Art in the livingroom

Steve's sky painting adding new dimentions to the kitchen

Trading cards. Our neihbour Lewis Zanleou, Greig Crokett our Green Party Candidate, and Don Richmond

Greg Crockett and Molly Bell doing a mock interview with an air mic.

The flowers from Karen's Endless Bloomes
 Eleven people showed up to admire the art, network and eat great food. Barb brought cinnamon buns which went into the oven right away, but once they came out they didn't last long I think it was the hint of Almond. Greig was answering questions and being gentle on his throat, he has done a lot of talking lately and has a lot more to do.

It's funny how a party will end up in one room, at one point we were all gathered in the kitchen around the stove and around the table. It was a good day, and I will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow I go to Vernon to do my volunteer job for the Green Party. Green's need a voice in Parlamont please give use that voice by voting Green. Or just don't vote and nothing will change.

If you were wondering how the sale went for our porch fund, the fund ended up in the toilet. We traded a painting for labour to put in the new toilet. I can cross that off my wish list, and we are saving on water! Thank you Jason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOH>> how I miss the art shows at your old place. Looks all so familiar and welcoming. 'a good time was had by all'. Thanks for jogging my brain with all the good memories.