Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Streets I Roamed In The 50's and 60's Have Changed Somewhat

Things change  it's a fact of life. Some changes are more drastic than others. In January as I walked the old sidewalks of Carthage in Cincinnati it brought back memories of my youth.

The fair grounds, every year we would go to the fair. One year I was so scared to exit the fun house via the slide, Dad had to come and calmly talk me out. Too many crazy cartoons.

One of the lovely brick houses in Carthage.

This is the house I grew up in. The porch has been taken down, the picket fence removed, and  the lilac bushes torn out, it is now an auto parts place.

The park across the street from the house. We spent our summers in the pool, playing games, doing crafts,  riding bicycles and general running around as children do.  

I walked this sidewalk every school day I was able to go to school. I don't remember it ever being so dirty. 

Elementary school. It's now a community center. The floors shined in this school they were so clean. 

Singing in the church choir was one of my passions as a child, these doors were recently refinished.

Originally this was a fire hall, long before I came along.

I loved the ornamentation of this building, it needs some TLC.

This is where Mom gets her hair done, it's a busy place.

A side door to what was a drug store. I remember frequenting the soda fountain after high school. One day a large boy asked for the usual, I was so embarrassed for him when the woman said in a nasty tone"And what is the usual?" 

This was also a drug store.

Hodapp's funeral home, The outside hasn't changed much. I have viewed many a loved one at Hodapp's. When I had my back operations they gave us a stretcher so I could go places if need be. They also drove me to the hospital on a number of occasions.



Craftsman. Three styles of architecture all on one block.

Going back in winter, it seamed so bleak with all the bare trees, so much grey. I was grateful for the brightly painted buildings with their decorative facades. Old and loved, old and used with neglect, it's all their.

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